
Oct 28, 2004 01:41

mann well it is quite the coldness, last weekend was very very fun. better than i expected. i got sick from it though, lost my voice for a while..well actually what it does is it just cracks a lot. these past 2 weeks i've been studying a whole lot because of midterms, tough stuff. ive made a lot of new friends lately and thats really cool. still wanna move to long beach though to be closer to school. so tomorow is thursday, those are the longest days.. i have class at 8AM and that lasts still 3:15PM then i have meeting at 4PM till whenever then i usually play basketball after. but tomorows a lil different because i have to leave school to go to the police station. god damn us! but kenji's right.. we've done worse and if this is what we get caught for this is nothing. i just hope my mom doesent find out haha, im not allowed to bring problems to the house, daymn. i saw the grudge this weekend, that was funny. tuesday during my break was really cool. i walked into music lounge and saw tina so i sat and started talking to her. and then joanne came, and then mark came, and then janice came, and finally dabbie. it was fun while it lasted. i think its funny how richie doesent let me and justine hang out cuz she always end up mad. justines funny cuz she knows she gets mad a lot, but she doesent try to stop haha. bless her heart. richie is duck chucker and i know he didnt expect all of us to go down with him, but you gotta. thats what he gets for being a good friend. i went to gables today after dennys to see viktor, matt, dick, kyle and richie followed. viktor got a job kind of close to my house. still havent visited him like i planned, but i plan to. im not a big coffee fan cuz to be honest im scared of it. haha. best interest was such a fun show, i miss being in a band (redundant, i know). watching spitalfield and making jokes the whole i havent had that much fun at a show in a very long time. nicoles birthday was nice but she could of gotten a better one of all our friends. as for the other thing that was a big part of my life a couple months ago, to hell with that. that was stupid of me to think the way i did and have been because of everything that happened. im glad i saw what i saw, now i dont feel bad about anything anymore because slowly im realizing how i should of seen it from the start. oh well i was a sucker for a long time but no more, at least with that. honestly i should listen to my friends more often. i kept thinking i knew what was best for me. well its not bad to have your own opinion but to not know why other people have their opinions is just ignorant. oh well thats that! not doing that ever again. some people take other people for granted so much, i think i've done that a lot. i only came to my friends when i had a problem and they still did everything to help me even if it was just meeting me up in early mornings or just talking to me when i needed to let stuff out. it helped so much, but either way im sorry of how i've been towards my friends when i made priorities out of something that was all talk. eek. tomorow is gonna be fun minus the police thing because of the hop yo. haha i cant believe im going. last saturday we went to the friendship games afterparty...oh man the looks me and my cousin got were just priceless. i like the way we stand out in those kind of crowds. well i gotta get back to writing a research proposal, im excited to go to the station with the guys tomorow. not excited to get punished but its so fun to get in trouble as a group rather than by yourself. feels like high school haha. nite nite everybody!
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