Last night my dad and I got a patio set and even though it's pretty nice and was a good deal, we put it together wrong but didn't realize it until we thought it was almost finished. So I guess tonight my dad's going to take it apart and rebuild it? I don't know. I'm not touching the thing. I'm working tonight, but I also want to see The Da Vinci Code ... so I have to find the showtimes.
1. What type of mood are you generally in on a rainy day?
It depends. In the summer, rain is usually pretty welcome and it's often accompanied by a huge thunderstorm and it doesn't so much rain as it pours, so that's fun. But what we've been having the past few days with the cloudiness and the random showers and stuff makes me not want to go outside.
2. What are your favorite things to do when the weather is gloomy?
Watch the rain. Read. Watch movies/TV. Go online. Basically anything inside. And during those summer thundershowers I like running through the streets in my barefeet.
3. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
4. After the rain stops, do you continue what you were doing, or do you run outside to do something else?
If I have stuff to do outside or someplace to walk, then I'll probably run outside but otherwise ... meh, probably not.
5. What is your favorite drink/food to have when it's raining outside?
Coffee. I don't know why.