May 03, 2006 16:33
I'm back in Cambridge now, but my computer has died and we're having problems with our Internet so I can't even access it from Nick's computer ... so I'm at the library on the computer. I'm not sure how long it will be before I can get everything back to normal, but you can still get in touch with me at home if you wanna hang out or whatever. I'm working at Old Navy here in Cambridge for the time being, and looking for something with a little bit more hours and better pay, but it's fine for the time being.
My birthday is this weekend but I have to work on Friday and Saturday, but maybe we can all get together sometime soon? Maybe go to dinner or a movie or whatever? Not necessarily for my birthday but just to hang out and see each other. I saw Joany at Zellers the other day for like two minutes and we both had to go. I miss you guys! Call me. 653-6910. We shall chill like the old days.
Cassandra (who has hit a new low in her need to get online and stay in touch with the world)