New Year's Eve pictures

Jan 12, 2007 09:50

I finally have time to waste on the computer! Yay! I should be doing research for my feature ... but I think the Internet is more important at this point in time. Right? Right.

All of these pictures are from Jess and Leanne; I stole them off Facebook. I'm just posting my favorites, which is a lot. They're not necessarily in order, but I tried to separate them into three sections: At Ron's apartment before going out, at the Madison, and at Ron's apartment after.

Jess and Rumour. Yes, he is a handsome, popular kitty. He's pretty much just living at Ron's place now.

Kitty + bow = delightful.


Mandy and Jess and yellowness?

Jess likes to be in the ready.

She also likes vodki.

We like to make out. Actually we like to freak everyone out. I think it worked.

Deepthroating competition. Ron was very sad he was in the shower when this was taking place.

We played "Fuck the Dealer." (It's a drinking game.)

Then Ron wore my shirt that Mandy wore earlier. Clearly we're the same size.

Haha. This freaked Jess out good. That's hot.

It looks like we're all trying to lean out of the picture but none of us quite made it.

Mandy and Leanne.

Ron and I. I think someone is shining the laser pointer on Ron's forehead. We were using it to play with Rumour. He goes nuts for it.

Jess and I.

Leanne enjoying her pre-drinking drink.


Who doesn't enjoy pictures of people looking at pictures of themselves?

Pretty eye make-up. And Ron's tongue. Again.

Tongues play an integral part in this evening.

Mikey, Ron's cousin, and Ron playing with his crazy flying monkey guy. It hurts when you fly it at someone from point blank range.

Somehow this resulted in wrestling.

Things got a little homoerotic.

Case and point.

Jess is a camera hog.

Kitty was in the middle of all the action.

At the Madison Avenue Pub!
We didn't go til after 10:30 p.m. or so because we had to wait for Mikey to show up. Then we waited in line in the rain for a while. When we finally got in it was packed -- but somehow still not as busy as it usually is on a normal Friday or Saturday night. They were obviously understaffed because we didn't get a waitress in our section until 2 a.m. and had to wait in line for half an hour at a time to get drinks (so we resorted to triple- and quadruple-fistin' 'er). They played crappy 80's music where we were most of the night, but it was hard to get a table anywhere else. I think most of us had a lot of fun. I know I did. It was fun to have my friends hanging out with me AND Ron for the first time.

Cute, no?

Mandy, Jess and Mikey's lovely faces. Haha.

Mine aren't big enough so he likes to touch his own sometimes.

Ron kept ruining pictures. He's a ruiner.


Who is Mikey hiding from? Probably his wife. Even though she wasn't there. Haha.

We are dancing machines.

Let's try this again.

Much better. Mikey, Leanne's friend Jess, Jess and Mandy.

Buff? He wishes.

Mikey telling me secrets.

Probably the only picture you'll ever see where Ron doesn't have his tongue out but I do.


Fab three?

We're hot.

Mikey gave everyone wet willies all night. And probably ear infections. Apparently Leanne found it "erotic" ... she's the only one.

Umm... riiiggghhhtt. Just pretend you didn't see that.

I love this picture.

Jess and Mikey.

Ron and I dancing in a circle with random people.


After the Madison!

Walking home: Leanne ran away from us, Ron was really drunk, and I was pretty much holding him up.

Mikey, Jess and Mandy left before us, and when we got home Mikey was sound asleep on the loveseat.

So Ron decided to have some fun with him. He's not a light sleeper.

What's a little gayness between cousins?

The next morning!

Mikey got comfy with Leanne and Mandy.

And then he hoped these pictures never get leaked to his wife. And baby.

Then Mandy freaked out.

The end!
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