finally got one

Oct 31, 2004 16:51

So I finally got one of these. I'm too fucking lazy to write in an actually jouranl.

This weekend was tons of fun. Friday nightI want with the group to see Saw. That movie is fucking twisted as hell, the ending was so god damn unexpected. Then Molly and I left and went to Matt's party. I felt bad leaving my buddies, and I would have loved it if they all came, but I think that would have been weird, the two groups don't mix at all, but I love em both! Anyways, Matts was nuts, everyone was wasted, I had to work the next day at 7 so I pulled an all nighter, which by the way, was crazy insane. Never will I do that again. So I went to work at 7 tired as hell, worked till 12, I had plans to go to six flags that day with Vince and Mikey, but when I called Vince after I got outa work he said it was closed so then I went home and crashed for a few hours.

When I woke up I called Molly and we met up with Mike and Vince at the King Buffet. Bussen and Tyson were there as well. That place was a rotting shit hole that was completely suburbanized. After that we left tyson and bussen and went to peter and joels casa. Everybody was there, I saw craig which was cool as hell cause I never see him anymore, hes always workin. Brandon was cutting his hair. Craigs mo-hawk is really starting to kick some ass. Well after Peters we went to Tomas's house, where everyone drank. I was glad when mike decided to smoke cause I wasn't drinking. So me, mike, eric, tomas, joel and molly all hit a couple bowls. I enjoyed that. I love pot. honestly I do. it is such a relaxer, and that night, I truly needed to relax. I am glad Molly smoked because she is a riot when she is high. After we smoked I took eric to Wendy's, he slammed that shit down like no other. After wendy's we went back to Tomas's. I hung out there untill I had to go home. I really do love all my friends, I have the best time with 'em, and I wouldn't change one thing about any of them, I love you guys, and I will miss you so much when I go to college.

Today is Halloween, and after work I'll prolly meet up with mike and Molly and see where it goes from there. I wish we didn't have school tomorrow, what a god damn downer. but we have wed-fri off so that will rock.

The love life could be better. The one guy I want to be with doesn't want to be with me. I think we could be everything we ever wanted but all he wants is sex, which is what he told me, and I want so much more then that, I want to not like him, I want to not think about him anymore. It gets tiring. I find myself thinking way to much into it. It's for the best i guess. I don't know. He seems like a crap ass boyfriend type anyways, but maybe I'm wrong. I want someone who is thoughtfull and caring. Which he really isn't much of either. I mean as a friend i love him to death, but...i dont know, it sucks but I'll deal.

Well, it's been real, first entry is long. *Loren*

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