The Perky Turtle: it's going to work out
The Perky Turtle: one day
The Perky Turtle: maybe not the way you think it will
The Perky Turtle: but it will...and it'll be for the best
I've said it three times in three days. It sounds really good. It sounds full of the hope and optimism that i'm usually able to employ when it comes to other people. Somewhere, deep down inside, i know that i believe it. I have to believe that one day everything will work out because otherwise i would just shoot myself. But sometimes i wonder. I wonder if the things that happen now is life working out for the best. What if the things i do aren't life working itself out. What if it's life trying to work out for the best but i just keep getting in the way and screwing it up?
you have to stoke it...hey watch's HUGE! i want one!...are you saying i'm fat?!?...the 2 tricked me!...learn how to get rid of it!...can you just buy the balls?...the bigger the bulge, the higher you go...and i kept thinking about noodles...i really want my balls now...i ordered balls off the internet...there's a lump in my hair! I have hair cancer...those are boring...i like the exotic balls...
Yeah we got a little carried away with the balls...
Also, Exams are next week. Next week. A week from today i will be finished with the first semester of my freshman year at NC State. I'm relieved because my classes suck, but it makes me sad. I don't want it to go so quickly. I'm not ready for it to be over.