i miss him. its been 2 and half hours and it feels like ive been gone all day.
So my son is here. And he's the most precious thing ive ever seen and felt. He'll look me dead in the eyes and just smile and i can't help but feel like im floating.
Everything in this world that ive been through. Every ounce of pain and torment i've felt being in hospitals and in locked rooms is all worth it. Everything is worth it ... because of you.
I'm going to do everything in my power to protect you. To keep a balance in your life between pleasure and pain love and hate. I'm going to learn from the way i grew up and make sure you grow up better.
I feel like ive been given a new life. A new chance. When my body is no longer i will live through you. You will carry me. And your son or daughter will carry you.
I've gone through life wondering what exactly i was here for, what my purpose was. And whether there is only one or several. I know that you are one. I will be by your side for the rest of my life. And i will be in your heart for the rest of yours. I love you Micah.
Welcome to life.