I should have learned to be wary of the Ides of March.

Apr 01, 2005 00:07

Okay, so today was rather interesting in that a lot of stuff happened that usually doesn't.

So bring you kids up to speed; I'm not going to be working at GameWorks anymore. Instead a giant faceless corporation has sprouted up and I will soon be found among the other 500-odd souls who work at IKEA. Awesome benefits abound too; I get tuition reimbursement (which may or may not be totally useless) a cool discount and other cool stuff.

And that'll be me... Seth Sinsabaugh the newest employee to Business Area 58: Pictures Frames and Potted Plants. I'm going places baby.

I also got to take my first drug test today! It was very awkward simply because in all of my hypotheticals I've imagined in my mind I've never actually thought about how to act when handing a cup with your OWN PISS IN IT to another person. Quite awkward but I'm guessing it'll turn out well. 'Cause there will be some rather interesting questions if it doesn't.

And if I can segue further with the "interesting" thing... in case you're wondering how Seth spent his spring break... I had a friend of mine FROM TEH INTARNETT!!1 come down and stay with me for eleven (11) calendar days. Interesting seemed to be the word most apt for it (I love you Lauren!). Anyhow I was hanging with Le Buds at the good ol' Whataburger down the street and we're discussing what happened during said break and about my incredibly spotty record with the ladies as a whole. And then out of bloody well nowhere this huge biker chick comes and sits at a table next to ours and said that she was listening in on my conversation and how she wanted to put her two cents in.

Now I have learned over the course of my 21 years on this great thing called Earth that there is NEVER a safe time to try to dissuade someone who could snap your neck with less than four fingers. So I obliged her and she basically rambled forth about what kind of person I am and how I should change. And before I go on I feel I must get something of my chest...


Anyway so her life philosophy of "Fuck them physically or fuck them metaphorically" comes off rather strong and she refuses to believe that I am, at my heart, a gentleman. Because that is evidently a thing next to impossible to believe. She told me how women really aren't going to dig self-deprecating humor (which for some reason I never twigged onto) and how I'm much better than I'm giving myself credit for. And she did the whole warning thing about how you want to cut a relationship off before kids are involved... I dunno. It was really surreal stuff. Not unlike something from one of those hip "coming-of-age teen dramas" that I love so. She also told me that I was only an actor because I was hiding behind what I really wanted to*.

So in a nutshell my day looked like this...

"Woke up, got a new job, pissed in a cup and met my crazy biker-chick guardian angel".

So how was your days?

* and the worst part of it?

i think she was right
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