Nov 05, 2007 20:14
Frank wasn't able to be with me for this appointment because all the parking garages were closed, so he had to drop me off at the door and circle the block.
I had the same tech today that I had for all my appointments with Jamie, so that was fun. We had a lot to talk about and she was wondering why I didn't bring Jamie, since she's never seen him except in ultrasounds.
Baby looks good. They think she is up to 2 lbs 7 oz, but that's probably an over-estimate because Susie wasn't able to get a measurement of BGP's femur, which is one of the things they use to estimate weight. We could see on the u/s that BGP had her eyes open- cute, but a tad creepy. She just looks so much like her brother- they have that same Pereira nose and the Scible forehead. My fluid was good. I think that's about all the info that I got this time. I got a ton of pictures, so I'll try to post one or two if I get a chance tomorrow.
BTW- Deadpan is defined by Wikipedia as: a form of comedic delivery in which humour is presented without exhibiting a change in emotion or facial expression. Deadpan is a type of dry humour.