witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorraging.

Jul 01, 2007 10:57

just because we've similar interests does not guarantee youre going to like me. my foot in your ass is a good example of that. my delusionary hell does not agree with yours.

Things you need to know before adding me...

→ My parents are divorced.
→ My Mom moved to Australia in 2000.
→ I'm twenty one years old. [ as of may 4th 08 ]
→ I live with my father and his psycho, narcissistic, self absorbed, thinks-she's-a-ghost-hunter girlfriend.
→ I don't have my license.
→ Just because I never graduated High School doesn't mean that I'm dumbed down.
→ My "job" consists of making sure these two idiots that I live with don't blow up my Grandmother's house that we live in while she's away during the spring, summer and fall. I also have to clean up after them.
→ I have a lot of cats.
→ I tend to complain about my house hold.
→ I curse more than the normal person should.
→ I don't sleep very often.
→ I don't watch TV so I probably don't know what the fuck you're talking about half the time.
→ I do believe! I do believe in proper grammar.
→ I'm plus size, so fat jokes can only go so far with me.
→ I'm generally angry at the world.
→ I've known my best friend since the 8th grade and no one will ever replace her.
→ Do not argue with me about music or wrestling. You will not win.
→ I don't believe in completely idiotic people ( IE: Drinkers, smokers, druggies. )
→ All of my neighbors should be shot in the head fifty or sixty times. Except my Great Grandmother. She's funny.
→ I have a Terror Twin.
→ Ace Steel is my adopted Dad.
→ I live in New Hampshire. Never heard of it? A lot of people haven't.
→ I'm a horror and eighties metal guru.
→ Motley Crue is my favorite band.
→ I'm Julie ... who the fuck are you?

run like a motherfucker and don't stop 'til the sun comes up. pardon the french, but there it is. and don't try to hide. we'll find you. don't try to be a hero and fight us. you'll lose. pick out a clear spot ahead of you as far away as possible and run. straight. and don't ever, ever look back. because you wont like what you see. i promise you that.


EDIT AUGUST 23rd 08 → If you didn't reply to the summer clean out post, you got removed. Guess it sucks to be you.

friends only
