Mar 01, 2011 01:14
First flushing out draft of my Montessori Institute Application Essay...Thanks to chris for helping me build this dream.
Bean suggested I post it to here to get me to work on it harder. I have an awful aversion to essays. I cry when I have to write them. Have panic attacks. It's what killed me out of college. It started in high school.
It's so awful to have my heart so in love with something, this beautiful Montessori idea, and then have such gut wrenching fear in the way...holding myself back.
Well, I'm gonna get over it, and do it.
I wish I could get this ridiculous fear erased, I need hypnosis it's so ridiculous.
I studied hard and made average marks in high school though I always felt my education lacked foundation and passion. The lack of passion was not on my end, but coming from what I felt was a very dry and lifeless system. Though I have had an interest in education for a long time I have chosen to further pursue mine in a more active learning style, immersing myself in something that invigorates me. I know that I can do anything I am passionate about
Ability to collaborate - I enjoy volunteer work, working in a community style environment, what I like about it, and how I think that can effect the world. Burner without Borders, Cherrywood Park Project, Playground Project, Community Art Makers, United Way. Community Organizer for an art outreach organization. Worked on several large scale community art projects as well as taught workshops for a non-profit.
Talk about work for time management, organization, attention to detail I;ve worked at very detailed orientated environment, where minor details have a large impact on the learning abilities of the special children that I work with. Giving them absolute stability and giving them the ability to communicate with their outside world depends my ability to keep an open and stable environment, and be able to percive their world.
Support human development in life affirming directions - micheal farahhani You've always striven to effect people in a positive way
Commitment to alternative education - I have chosen to work in special ed since 1998 spending my high school summer
Experiences montesorri - Little 18 month girl was scooping lima beans upset her mother left 10 mins earlier, until it calmed her down. She used her work to calm herself down. Remarkable for a child that young. Power of montesorri.
I would like to at many levels of montessori in the future, but I feel that Primary is the foundation on which I would like on which I would like to build my montessori education. The Primary age level is such a beautfiul window of open communcation and exploration.
In all honesty, I wish that I had been able to get a Montessori Foundtion for my eduction, even if it were only Primary age, as I feel that it would have given me a center for learning that I was only able to find later in life.