(no subject)

Oct 24, 2005 19:38

On a lark, I opened up an email which appeared to be a porn invite, because my spam blockers have been working very well and I haven't seen one in a long time. The subject was "who wanted to do me." The following is the subject, a direct copy and paste:

that promptly on th declaration iv war, give an afthernoon tea to th uchess iv
arlborough. h forts at ewport attimpted to reply, but was unable to scoor more
thin three or four westhren millyonaires an soon succumbed to th inivitable.
thin moved up th ound an fell upon in ral c rthur whin he wasn t lookin . efure
he cud load his guns, we poored a perfect blankety blank hell iv blank

I've got a new job, working at my aunt's clothing company. My first assignment: I sit in the office all day and shop the internet and download pictures of anything I think is cool. It's kinda fun, kinda boring.

Also, after mild fury at my mom for the whole Shanghai fiasco, I hatched a plan out of desperation and misery: I'm going to apply for grad school. I've developed something I call the Shoot to Kill method - I'm going to apply to Harvard and NYU and Columbia, and no safeties. IF I don't get in, then I'm not meant for grad school right now. the real push factor in this decision is that if I do get accepted, then that means I have a solid excuse for being in America sometime before September.

Things I've encountered recently:
dried seahorses and starfish sold in clear plastic soup packets at the soup market.
whole wild ginseng sold for hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

I've purchased:
a cardigan and a shirt, each for under 10 dollars.
3 pairs of earrings, one of which was priced at 98, and was bargained down to 30.
flowers at the flower market.
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