Jun 29, 2006 23:27
that if you ask a person out, ther conversation just automatically ends? It's like...you could literally be talking for 1 minute..and you ask that and it's like..."Okay. Talk to you later!" and there is nothing to do about it.
that on first dates people always suggest a movie...and a movie is the last thing I would want to do with a person on the first date! First dates typically mean you are still getting to know the person...so last thing I want to do is go somewhere where we can't talk for 2 hours.
that America is hopelessly wrong when it comes to morals. In japan a sushi restuarant that served food on women for customers and was closed down because it was deemed offensive to women and degrading. In New York samething happened and the reason they closed down was because of health risks. HEALTH RISKS!?! And then it's perfectly fine to show people getting killed on regular tv. A guy can get his brains blown out...but hey..don't show sexual situations. Between the two..I'd rather explain sex and love to a child then explaining why that guy's head is leaking and why someone would do that.
That sometimes...even people you are really close to, don't understand you, and say things that make you go "Do you know who I am?"
That the world is full of hypocrites? People who say one thing and then do something else entirely? It's like...you act like an ass to people...and then expect everyone to treat you like you're God's gift to humanity. Bullcrap I say. Everyone is a hypocrite to a certain degree...but to be so overwhelming hypocritical pisses me off!
That during the whole "low carb" craze people would get a low carb burger with fries and a soda. That's kinda self defeating isn't it?
Things are a lot more cynical today. Looking in the past..things were a bit more cheerful. But is that things being happier then...or just a constant of ignoring problems? Were things always like this..and it's only recently that people have been acknowledging it? And is it really cyniscm if it's all true?
That Tom Cruis got crazy over night?
That the age of consent in Japan is 13-17 depending on which district it is? I mean...how can a district matter? And how is age of consent figured out? Mental state..or just a general guidelines? Either way...I don't think the age should be 13. I've had friends who were 16 and had much older attachments..but 13? That's a bit young IMO.
Anyways random thought I was thinking bout. Pay no attention to random ramblings.