Pulls out soapbox and stands on it.

May 06, 2006 01:40

Okay...it's been a while so sorry to make the first post in so long a rant...

The most dangerous weapon in the world, isn't a gun, isn't a bomb, or anything like that. It's worse then all of them combined. What makes this weapon so horrible is that everyone has it. This weapon is called words. Every fight every problem can be traced back to what someone said. Words are weapons. And we need to remember that whenever we talk.

But like all weapons, they can be used to protect or to hurt. We have to remember that whatever we say can hurt or help a person. And while the temptation to say what we want is great, we have to remember that people can be hurt by this. Even if what we say is meant with the greatest respect, or with the greatest care, what good is it if it's going to hurt them? Why say something that we know will hurt a person, and then say it's for their own good? Is it really for their own good, or are we just rationalizing?

We as must know that just because we want to say something, doesn't mean that we should. The 3 most dangerous words in the human language are "I love you". Because they are words that will change things forever, and because people forget, that it's not something you should say for yourself. It's not something you say because you feel like it. YOu say it because of the other person. Because you feel it, and also because it will be something the other person would like to hear. IT's something for theboth of you. It's not something you should say just because you do feel it. It should be said when you feel it, and when the other person is ready to hear it. Now take that rule into everything you say, and when you talk to another person and are about to give them "advice" think...iss this the right time? It's simple things that can make your life better.

Also remember that you aren't the only one with this power. Everyone else has it, and their words are just as powerful as yours....if you let them be. Ultimately the power lies in you to disregard or acknowledge what other people. IF a person says something that hurts you, you can ultimately choose how to deal with it. Or conversely if someone says something good, you can still choose how to deal with it.It's all up to you how you deal with each situation, if you come out of it feeling postive or negative.

So forgive this rant, I just wanted to rant. Thank you for listening.
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