Oct 14, 2007 00:44
WOW! I can't believe my livejournal account is still up. I haven't been on here in a year. I guess i got dragged into the whole MySpace craze, that I forgot about where it all started. haha! Well I just thought I'd post a new entry. My life is great. God has blessed me greatly. I have friends that I love and new ones that have entered my life and old ones who came back into my life. I haven't been in a relationship in almost two years! It's insane to think that I spent almost 3 years of my life with someone who I was amazingly in love with. I haven't spoken to him almost a year. It's sad, but life goes on. I'm glad he is happy and i only wish the best for him. I have gotten to know some amazing guys, but it just wasn't relationship material. But i refuse to let that bring me down because i don't need a guy to make me happy. I'm attending IVC and I plan on becoming a nurse. I've been working at Lowe's for about a year and a half. I believe i've gone through many heart-breaking experiences that i learned from and make me who i am today. i like to think i'm still the same daniela, but i've made positive changes in my life that i am proud of. i hope that all those who read my blog are just living life and loving every moment of it. whether good or bad....there is always a positive outcome. i love you all.
keep your chins up