Nov 16, 2008 22:50
How did He do it? Forgive those who nailed him to the tree?
Amazing Grace.
Jesus how did you do it? Forgive those who nailed you to that tree? So many turned against you yet you loved them all the same. I wish i knew that kind of grace, and forgiveness. I wish i had that strength to rise above.
I'm sorry for the misplaced anger. I've forgotten how to turn my other cheek.
There's a verse that says.. "But I tell you not to resist an evildoer. On the contrary, whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well."
Somewhere along the line i got sick of being slapped repeatively. I broke down, and brought you down with me. I placed all blame on you, even the blame you didn't deserve. I blamed you for the one friend that got married and forgot to tell me; for my best friend who got married and I was the last to know; for all those friends who moved away and forgot to keep in touch; for the friend that i always forgave even when I had nothing to do with what she was mad at me for, or the times when she spread rumors without knowing the truth. Yes, you hurt me, but you never deserved to be blamed for all that. I overreacted because I was bottling up hurt for a long time from past friendships. You have to know that i just want a friend that will be there for me, and won't leave. Maybe the thought of it is scary for me, because now I will be leaving again, and who's to say that you are going to keep in touch. Is it worth it to repair things or will they just be broken again?