that dumb dog...

May 16, 2005 09:27

My dog REALLY wants us to kick her out. Friday night was the worst night of sleep we've had in a long time. Since we got the dog just about. We forgot to take her crate with us to Chandra's parents house, so we figure she could sleep out in the kennel. NOPE. She barked. And barked. And barked. It was ridiculous! Non-stop! And normally you can't hear her that well...well she made herself heard. So we brought her in to sleep in our room, but she just paced and panted all night. Then she finally settles in, and I had to get up to pee starting the process all over. Mind you this is around 4:30-5am. This is the short version of the story. I was mad to say the least. LEAST.

But then the next day she was so tired (of course) that she was just adorable, and was fantastic. She gets worn out playing with their dog Cocoa. I love the day after they play. It's peaceful.
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