I apologize for it taking a freaking eternity for me to post this promis-ed blog. XP My computer apparently had problems with a few things on the LJ server and whatnot.
Anyway! Last Thursday(looong ago...or not.)'s morning consisted of no to breakfast and a resounding ill-fated yes to boredom. My classes for the Thursdays are as follows:
- Political Science 180H (This class consisted of me twitching my eye every few moments because of the self-righteous lanky know-it-all that sat a few rows ahead of me. He had the distinct characteristics of a hobo on crack when he didn't speak...though when he did, I felt like throwing myself into the wall until I passed out like some deranged monkey zombie.)
- Philosophy 165: Theory of Knowledge (I am getting immensely tired of Plato, for he is a blathering-on type of fellow.)
(insert three hour break here...during which I found the joys of the Computer Center.)
- English 100 (Mrs. Wells is strangely connectable to Mrs. Hall in her appearance and mannerisms, though she has a resoundingly higher tolerance for stupidity. The people in my class are absolute retards - the majority actually believed that a page-long ( 1 freaking page ) in-class essay that consisted mainly of sentence fragments ( x > 95% ) deserved a low B/high C. Please tell me they aren't really that stupid and just collectively decided to shove wood shavings up their noses to the point when they were unable to think for the day.)
After spending more than ten hours on the OCC campus (*twitch*), I sped down the streets to my home. Boredom ran incredibly rampant for an hour or so, until Anne-Anne called me and freed me from my woes! *hands her a cape and dashes into the street*
I sat out on the curb next to my house and waited for the Riceball Racer to arrive (that's right, right? Racer? Or is it another word? X_X). I felt like a hobo with a purpose...only not in tattered glory like the more adventurous denizens of hobo-glorified hobo-dom (I haven't seen Beethoven, the HB hobo with a paper bag on his head, in a while...I miss his deranged ways).
Rebecca (REBECCA FIX!!! *RUBS JACKET*) and Anne (whose bangs I now stare at in great wonder) picked me up and together we ventured forth to the holy land that is Bullwinkles (we still call it Bullwinkles because of our childhood memories, despite its commercialized modern-day name of Boomers. It's what we know, damnit. Bullwinkles is way cooler than Boomers!). The ride over was entertaining because I kept hopping around in my seat from excitement and Rebecca and Anne were playfully arguing over which song to play (Pokemon Rap my ass :P). The strange thing of Anne's car was the Tohru bobblehead that was attached to the bottom of Anne's left rear passenger seat.
It was watching me, provoking me to poke its forehead (you really do need to figure out a way to stick that elsewhere, Anne; it freaks me out XD).
Upon arriving at BULLWINKLES, we immediately set off towards the small kiddie arcade (don't smack me for calling it kiddie, you know it's true!) to play some games. And we found purpose, I dare say! Rebecca and Anne spotted the coveted PIRATE HAT and we immediately set forth to capture coins and tickets. I was jipped three times by the offending machines (clowns with big teeth, orange balls, and spiders don't like me). I found a game that suited my whimsy (SMACK THE RUBBER BUTTON AND WATCH THE BALL FLY INTO THE HOLE! YAY! *SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK*) and received a long string of tickets.
We received the pirate hat for our toils (along with three kazoos of magical happiness). *insert Puzzle Pirates music here*
I never knew the enjoyment I could get from blowing a kazoo. I never knew...I never freaking knew!
The next fifteen minutes or so was dedicated to making random noises with the kazoo and toilets in the bathroom. Rebecca and I entertained the idea of waiting in one of the smelly stalls until someone tried to open the door; that would be the point when I would use the kazoo to my advantage.
I tried to record the kazoo+toilet as a ringtone, but it ended up too quiet (damn you, blasted technology of satan).
Kaylin couldn't come. T_T This made me sad in the pirate pants. I felt as if I would never scrub the poop deck ever again (and that is a rather despondent conclusion - I adore a clean poop deck). I hope you feel better, Kaylin! I'm always so sad when you aren't feeling well..(T_T)
o( )o
(__)(__) Earl wants his love. The children won't give it to him (hide them, hide them quickly!).
(Note to those who have no idea who Earl is: He's a character I drew in English and Art my senior year in high school when I was bored. He is a crossdressing Zoloft-obsessed blob man who finds the enjoyment of children to be an "inspiring" thing. His innocence astounds me daily.)
Our dinner plan for the evening:
Anne paid for pizza and snowshoe fries (I'd go to Bullwinkles every night just for those damned fries...).
Paula paid for drinks (three mediums - 2 Pepsis and 1 spermicidal Mountain Dew - I had the funniest conversation with the cashier the moment after I mentioned my lack of attention concerning my nonexistent sperm count. I said to him I would not say anything further for the sake of the minds of nearby children, and he shakily agreed.)
Rebecca paid for ice cream-dessert-y goodness (I'll talk about this later...MWUAHAHAH.)
The retard behind the counter gave me a root beer instead of a Mountain Dew. Rebecca's comment about it potentially not being root beer disturbed me to the point where i backed away from it for a few minutes. Eww...
Oh lord...Anne and her pizza. That face cracks me up to no end!
I shall also note that Rebecca is a kleptomaniac when it comes to cheese. The only time I have ever seen anyone pile that much cheese on an already greasy cheese pizza is when my friend DJ assaulted his with a cheese bombing a few days ago. I applaud Rebecca-becca for her courage...
it takes a true pirate to do what few are able to do. *strikes chest*...oww...
Just as a note...we traded the pirate hat's influence throughout the evening. It was agreed by Anne and Rebecca that it fit me the best, considering my raping and pillaging tendencies and all (O_o), but it looks immensely cuter on them than it does on me. SO THERE! *places hat on Rebecca and Anne's heads at the same time*
Arr...I golf with one leg because my peg leg wants me to. I'm man enough, damnit.
(Note that I incredibly suck at miniature golf.)
FRIENDS FOREVER, YO! haha These are our respective golf balls. You can probably tell whose is whose, but just in case...
Anne - Green
Rebecca - White
Paula - Black (LIKE...MY...SOUL...jk)
It's the damned triforce of power, man. Don't be playa hatin'. (...wtf, did I just say that...)
In this picture I was waiting for Anne and Rebecca to finish their turns because I had went beyond Par...again. -_-
Real pirates have evil eyes that turn everything red like BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS...LIKE FIRE.
Arr...the captain bows to no sea weenie!
This is the captain pathetically fishing out her golf ball from a sewer trap.
It was particularly difficult considering I couldn't bloody see it.
Anne refused to touch my hand after that.
Just...uh...tilt your head to the side.
Rebecca and Anne give the greatest poses. This is the Windmill of Love, titled by myself after Anne told me the reason as to why it was blocked off with security tape. Apparently, horny people like to fornicate in or behind that thing.
This hole was horrible because I couldn't get the damn ball to go inside the stupid Windmill. Apparently I'm so terrible that it rejected my black ball (IT WAS TOO MUCH MAN FOR IT XP stupid pansy windmill). It went in, but got stuck RIGHT underneath the moving door - Anne eventually pushed it through for me with her magic skills.
Note that throughout the entire course of the game, we were faced with many hill obstacles. My ball constantly went up...
...then went back down.
...before I got irritated and whacked it hard enough to have it fly through the air and onto the other side.
Next hole: Rebecca using her ninja owning skills to aim at her victim. I'm off to the side brandishing my piddly stick. You can see the scowl on my face as I realize I'm not brandishing it very well because of my nonexistent squished man parts.
Somewhere after this we encountered the apparent swinging sex toy of the golf course. Anne, of course, was the first to run over and touch it. XD
Pirate wench Rebecca and her kazoo of wet paper happy. This is a perfect picture considering the lighthouse behind her said "CAPTAIN HOOK" in bold letters. She'll keel haul you like crazy man love. :D
I wish this picture had turned out better...Rebecca looked so much more adorable in real life. XD Damn my crappy camera phone. (REBECCA FIX!! *RUBS JACKET*)
We got ice cream. There is nothing greater in Bullwinkles than the freaking awesome suction cup thing that shows you where they get the ice cream from. Holy shit. Amazing. As you can tell by the picture, I showed my gratitude to the almighty suction cup ice cream keeper god very nicely. You realize how amazing that is?! DO YOU?! It was like watching the birth of light itself...only with sugar.
Anne - Rosencrantz Racer (correct me if I'm wrong XD)
Paula - Guildenstern Go-Kart
What were the other ones?! We need to show Mrs. Hall when all of our cars are properly introduced. XD
After our escapades at Bullwinkles, we went to Bella Terra for Barnes and Noble bookstore fun. Rebecca, Anne-Anne, and I agreed that the pirate hat, along with everything else, would stay in the Rosencrantz Racer.
Note: the parking lot ninja is PWNAGE.
I became really fascinated with the glowy string thing that lit up with the music. My eyes got so wide I didn't feel asian anymore. XD
We went into the parking structure (during which Rebecca kept running creepily after Anne going "I'm gonna rapes youu..." which was bloody hilarious ^___^) then walked through the newer areas of Bella Terra. I'd never been through that part before...(GOOD DATE AREA...*drags Jared over* XD). There were a lot of "Help Wanted" signs all over the place; Anne made me promise to get an application for Chocolate Factory. LOL I'm not sure that's a good idea, considering...
ME+CHOCOLATE=HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE (so much chocolate...*drools*)
We wandered semi-aimlessly around Barnes and Noble for a while, making fun of many of the books (it's amazing how conspicuous the romance novels are...O_o *twitch*).
THE SPIDERMAN BOOK WOULDN'T SHUT UP. XD I had pressed a button on a Spider-Man anthology book, and it wouldn't stop talking for over five minutes. Anne, Rebecca, and I were a little freaked out about it...sounded vaguely like child-molesting underpants.
They didn't have any new Vampire Game issues...which made me sad. Well, not necessarily new; just the ones I wanted. lol
I did buy a new book (Troy - purely fictional romance). I haven't been with Jared as often as I'd like to, so I'm distracting myself from crying myself to sleep by reading romance novels and working on homework. XD Some of the cheesy lines in the book are really irritating, however...haha.
No, it's not a cheesy middle-aged romance novel for cheesy middle-aged housewives. It's an actual novel. lol
We ran into Craig Glanville (art crazy man :P) and talked to him for a few moments about Lemony Snicket and school.
Note that at this point I'm reminded of Mrs. Kile and her creepy Michael Jackson-like exterior. *shudder*
After that, Anne proceeded to drive me home, ending the wonderful evening with...*twitch*
Btw...Rebecca - your Wienerschnitzel thing is fucking amazing. (REBECCA FIX! *RUBS JACKET*)
Anne...never take your hands off the wheel again. XD That white truck would never have been the same. lol
...now I'm off to bed. It's 2:28am in the morning...and I have a class at 9:35am. XD
SOMEONE CALL ME OR GET IN TOUCH WITH ME SO WE CAN HAVE LUNCH/HANG OUT AGAIN!!! :D I miss hanging out with you guys so freaking much T_T
And Rebecca...I will run after you the next time I see you. You can't stop me...even if it isn't really you! XD MWUAHHAHHAA!...O_o