Here is a page from a pamphlet put out by Planned Parenthood, and distributed at a special UN forum to-wait for it-
The Girl Scouts.
According to this pamphlet, which was presented to representatives from the Scouts at a "No Adults Allowed" forum, it is the right of anyone with HIV to decide when, if ever, to reveal whether or not they are infected with HIV, including to their own sexual partners. After all, if you tell your partner, there's a pretty good chance he or she might, well, end the relationship. And everybody, including the Girl Scouts, whether or not they have HIV, has a right to a healthy, fulfilling sex life. If your parents don't like it, tough on them. Just use protection and if you get pregnant, find another adult who can help you procure an abortion, in the event your backwards thinking parents don't want you to have one.
In the meantime, there are many more ways than the traditional one of gaining sexual fulfillment. There is oral sex, for example.
This should come as no surprise to anyone. The Girl Scouts have, as an organization, become a hotbed of radical feminism and leftist political indoctrination for now going on thirty years, if not well before then.
Unlike the Boy Scouts, who mean what they say when they say "be prepared", the Girl Scouts have long held their doors open to all manner of leftist influences, and its easy to see why. It has been a tradition for some time now that the First Lady is automatically a Girl Scout leader.
That means Michelle Obama is a special Girl Scout Troop leader, just like
Hillary Clinton was when she was First Lady.
When you think of these specimens, in addition to some of the other First Ladies the nation has had to endure, can it be any wonder that the Girl Scouts, once I'm sure a fine and worthwhile organization, has gone down the crapper? Granted, this looks to be nothing more than a politcal photo-op, but believe it or not, the First Lady, any of them, has an influence which can be brought to bear. They have, let us say, connections, who might consider the Girl Scouts and other such yout oriented organizations to be fertile ground.
And before you laugh that off, ask yourself, just why is it such a matter of controversy to the left that they just can't seem to get a foothold into the Boy Scouts of America? If you are tempted to think the Girl Scouts isn't such a big deal, then why is the Boy Scouts as an organization so important to the Left?
And now this, the UN and Planned Parenthood, working in collussion to influence more young people, this time through the auspices of the Girl Scouts.
And in the meantime, Barak Obama has
promised to veto any funding bill that deprives Planned Parenthood of federal funds, despite the fact that we are, as of now, operating on upwards of a trillion dollar deficit, with similar deficits projected far into the future. Just another example of how Obama, and the Democrats in general, are a wholly owned subsidiary of what amounts to an incorporated American Left.
Just remember if you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you should wonder who you are really helping, and what.