Jul 25, 2003 14:53
Well summer is coming to an end ...not like I have a summer to begin with but....yeah I didn't do anything and it pretty much suck alot....(your right) ......hats off to anyone who did something interesting.....well I want to see people more ....and I don't know how I'm gonna pass the entrance test..I need a math tutor!!!! and when is there gonna be something to do around here .....well this entry was pointless ....oh and ouija will be playing a last show soon....and me and the homies are gonna start a new band with a differant sound....were also gonna record all the new ouija stuff.....ummmm yeah gay.....yup and still no cell phone....I'm out .......Oh and I luv you baby ....oh and I have a truck (there gurl, band, truck, I got it all you guys happy?!? ) <3 xo