[ooc; comment log for Nero, Lady, annnd assuming Krsnik 02, oh mai gawd]
[Reckless? Self-destructive? Always. The anger -- she can practically feel it throbbing in her hands, seething with rage. Again, someone waving her around behind her back, just as if she was some sort of weak and powerless little girl. Never again.
Remember what you swore? Remember that night?
Damn near at the point of snarling, Kalina Ann was heaved on her back, remembering the terms she heard this "beast", to put it light, use. Terran. Right. Didn't Radu use that term somewhere? Wouldn't it be the correct thing to call it a Methuselah or a vampire by now? Oh, swell, the experience with vampires had been less than enjoyable to put it so fucking lightly. It didn't make a difference, the images of trying to formulate what the fuck this thing was was twisting in her mind, and more so the sick pleasure rising to make sure the fucker didn't get a chance to walk away. It didn't matter if it could come back or not, the point was it was never going to get to say this shit again. Oh, but, Dante wouldn't approve. If he were here-
No, Lady would try not to think about that, much less that fight between the two of them on the tower. But at least he could take in solace she didn't even try to blow the help she was getting into pieces.]
I think I know what this fucking thing is.
[It comes out of gritted teeth to Nero, already a machine gun in her hand, half kicking herself for not trying to be more prepared. But damn it, she better be right. This girl has a thing about pride, after all. And it wouldn't be the end of her, after all. Though at least she hasn't quite stormed off just yet, Lady is at least making a point to stick with her companion, proceeding to the fountain.]