Mar 18, 2003 19:29
i came home from school today and went right to sleep..i put on my alterna-mix and *poof* was out like a light. it's from all of these late nights and early mornings; 2:30 am just isn't a good time to go to bed when you have to wake up at 6:00 (i put off the actual waking up bit until 6:40...i must have reset my alarm 4 times...heh)
so now i'm talking to dillon for the first time in like a week...he doesn't know yet what i have done, obviously, because he doesn't read my journal (i suppose he doesn't care to; the whole damn world can read it if they's in my aim profile) i told him that i spent 20 minutes pouring out my heart to his im screen and all he has to say about that is "LOL" .....i suppose it's funny, somewhat...but not's funny how he has nothing to say to me besides "hey, what's up." perhaps i'm too harsh or perhaps i'm just too fed up. should i tell him now? ...alright, i'm starting. i think i'll post it in here for shits when i'm done, just so i can look back and laugh at his pathetic responses.
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:17:56 PM): im fuckin bored as hell
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:18:02 PM): me heath stephen are over here
raggedxdolly (7:18:06 PM): ...yeah.
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:18:09 PM): ..........sigh
raggedxdolly (7:18:34 PM): well i'm glad you can have fun and ignore your responsibilities because it certainly makes me feel awesome.
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:18:48 PM): huh
raggedxdolly (7:19:45 PM): (?) promised me things would get better after mardi gras and you have yet to make any effort. not that you care, or anything.
raggedxdolly (7:20:37 PM): if you don't, which you showed you haven't, why don't you just break up with me instead of stringing me along like this?
raggedxdolly (7:22:50 PM): i used to feel like i was an important thing in your life; but you've shown me the past month and a half that i no longer am. i'm not sure exactly why because i have tried to improve myself for you...only to find that you've reinvented yourself into a person that makes me cry at night.
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:23:01 PM): baby im gonna call u
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:23:03 PM): ok
SOLIdSLYhunter (7:23:05 PM): love uy
raggedxdolly (7:23:06 PM): maybe it's just revenge, maybe i'm getting what i deserve...but i can't take it anymore.
SOLIdSLYhunter signed off at 7:23:10 PM.
it's just like him to not say a word in response and call me so he can tell me to "chill" at which point i will say "i won't chill! i've found someone who treats me like they actually give a fuck. i've found someone who will treat me like their princess." i'll be pretty damn surprised if he calls me anyway. so yet again, i'm winding up to break the news to him + make him feel bad for treating me like shit...and he just won't let me. hahahahah. i was so right when i said that he refuses to hear. and the melodrama continues...maybe i should call him since i know he's home...maybe.