Jul 09, 2004 01:00
Man, once I bailed out on the Xandman I needed me another smoke. Shit, I swear if some vamp or demon doesn’t kill me, the big C will. Especially if I keep chain-smokin’ like this. Hey, whatever, everyone’s gotta die some day right? Right.
I was about to head on over to my room, but I didn’t want to anymore. I wanted to see Spike again. Was that weird? If it isn’t, it probably should be. I pushed him away a few hours ago, ‘cause of B, but now I wanted him here with me. Ah shit, I was gettin’ all sentimental, and this could only lead to an ass whuppin’ from B.
I stopped by my room to grab my coat before headin’ down stairs. Didn’t wanna freeze on my way over. I hit the streets, wonderin’ where I should look first. Let’s see, last I saw, he was with the cheerleader, and maybe he was still with her. So, if I wanted to find Cordy I’d go…to Wolfram and Hart. Duh.
I made my way across town, pretty quick style until I finally came upon the towerin’ buildin’. Gotta give it to Angel, he had a pretty nice gig, ‘cept for the whole W&H thing. But hey, whatever floats his boat and gives him a nice pad and fat paycheck. And bein’ able to do some good is also a bonus.
I was about to head up the steps and see if I could find anyone, but that itchin’ kicked in and I had to have me a smoke first. Didn’t wanna walk it with a lit cig, so I puffed on the cancer stick outside. Needed to calm my nerves down a bit first anyway.