(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 19:06

Leave a comment. I'll ask you five questions, you post the answers in your journal and leave me a comment with a link to the answers. Then let your friends request five questions from you.


1. Have you found your husband yet?

No. I'm very worried, the US doesn't have a good reputation for taking care of immigrants (and their policies toward political dissidents have been disturbing lately). I spoke to the police, I was instead, interrogated about what I "know" about his "recent activities".

2. Do you like to dance?

I love to!

3. What is your favorite song?

One new song that I love is "Sunday Morning" by a band called Maroon 5. "My Immortal" by Evanescence. I also love "Close Every Door" by Tim Rice.

4. What is your favorite color?

I've always liked red. As someone with red hair, I suppose I shouldn't wear that color, but I like it.

5. And, same thing I asked Mike above, do you think people, in general, act more in self-interest or true altruism?

I think it's both. Each person is a bit angel, and a bit demon. I have seen the very worst that humans can do to each other, usually it's out of selfishness on some level. And yet, I have seen ordinary human beings willing to die to protect entire groups of people they've never even met.



1. If you could give me any name, what would it be?

Raziel. Or, hmm. Baraka.

2. Life or death?

Death. Life is becoming increasingly frightening, and death is the worst thing that can happen to you. After death, it's all up hill. Even if you're in Hell, at least you're always assured that every day will be the same level of bad, not one good day, one bad. I liked being "dead".

3. Who are you If given a chance, would you take it?

A chance to do what? Yes. I would.

4. Would you sacrifice a little liberty for temporary safety?


5. When is it time to fight?

When it's fight or die, and the issue isn't worth dying over.

Shaman X
1. If not now, then when?

When the time is right.

2. What does faith mean to you?

Faith is not conditional. Nor is it about believing what you're told. It's believing what you know in your heart to be true.

3. Do you sing?


4. Is there truly nothing good nor bad but thinking makes it so?

No. There are evil acts, with consequences.

5. Will the Truth set us free?

Yes. But no one ever said being free is easy or safe.

From on_holy_ground


1. What would you most like to do?

Have my family, and all our friends together, and whole.

2. What is your biggest regret?

Not making more of an effort to come back here before.

2. Who is your favorite apostle?

Hmm. You ask a tough question!

John is a favorite. Also, Thomas, because he wrote down my words. And James- he spat up on me many times, how can I not have a soft spot for him?

4. Would you do anything different with your life, given the chance?

I would speak up more. Let people know that I'm here and I have things to say.

5. What does the word peace mean to you?

A deep, inner, almost gut level feeling that you have done exactly as you were supposed to, no grudges, no regrets, no pain and no desire for anyone else's pain.
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