The new house is ... Nice. Watson is still getting used to the general silence (at times he wakes up at peculiar hours, concerned he's not hearing a violin). But he's happy to be married, even if now and then he misses the old life. No time to think about it, though, as he's got a lot of new patients to sort through. Holding some notes in his
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"Yes. That would be lovely, thank you," he says with an air of politeness. "And where would I find the parlour?"
He doesn't believe Mary's there.
If Watson goes to the parlour he will certainly find someone very like Mary, though perhaps a bit too pale, and with black buttons for eyes.
"Out of curiosity, where exactly do I find myself?"
"I see. And am I to assume we're still in London as well?" No, Watson does not sound pleased.
"I'll be on my way, then. Thank you very much for your assistance." With a slight nod, Watson backs away slightly before turning and going.
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