The last time I was
in Detroit visiting my parents,
I went to a bar and ate some fried mushrooms. A couple of days later, I became
violently ill, and spent the next two days ... well, never mind, but it was hideous.
I remembered this only after having eaten a bunch of fried vegetables for lunch this afternoon, and have felt rather nauseous since.
It's probably all a coincidence. I have no reason to think that this is actually what made me sick. But it's still unsettling. I'm even wearing the same suit today that I was on that trip =}
Do you ever have that kind of unpleasant association with a food, or something else that you encountered before an illness or other misfortune? I had a lot of these as a little kid, but I think I've toughened up a bit; I can't remember any. Still, if I get sick for real again, I'm not taking a third chance. I have my first divorce trial on Monday. This would not be a good time to get sick.