May 22, 2010 13:20

Here are some things I like about Oklahoma:

It is so flat I can almost see Kansas.

The coffee shop across the street from ratpackslim's pad is decidedly and entirely My Kind Of Place. It's like Perg, but with better sandwiches, better coffee and much less douchebaggery. And cleaner.

The hippie-ass "social space" the Encyclopedia Show was in also reminded me of everything I like about Santa Cruz.

Every Saturday at noon they test a tornado alarm. The sound of it is somehow both urgent and kind of pleasant. The fact of it gives the whole place an edge-of-the-apocalypse kind of feel.

They serve their (good) beer in mugs the size of frickin' buckets.

It's been muggy, but not humid enough to be scraping-off-my-skin unpleasant. It's the kind of mugginess that would be perfect and amazing if there were fireflies.

The possibility of seeing a real live tornado!

I like every single person I have met or hung out with here.

OH YEAH, and the aforementioned buckets o'beer were consumed at a bar with a jukebox that contained my Number One jam and also my other Number One jam.

I want to visit every red state in the whole god damned nation. I want to see exactly what it is people in Santa Cruz look down their noses at, cause this place has been nothing but kind to me. I think one of these days I'm going to get one of those Greyhound "discovery passes" and do a bit of a poetry tour/excuse to go everywhere nobody takes vacations and see everything nobody writes articles about. Just me this time, with two suitcases, a shitty webcam, and a bottle of bad whiskey concealed in a bag that has three Xs on it.

Holler if I can come and visit you. I promise to share my liquor.
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