Get a Pen.

Mar 07, 2013 14:05

 After a long pause and no interest forever and a day, I have elected to return with a vengeance to write .Some days I feel like my head is the size of Manhattan with thoughts and ideas. Other days I wish I could push away the bombardment of issues and aggravations that seem to follow me. It can get very muddled at times. Nonetheless life is good. I have my cat. I have the 3 basic necessities of life, (airway, breathing, circulation) and a roof over my head, plus a job that pays for that roof. What else does a person need?  Sincerity of heart would be one thing. Hard to come by these days. Everyone is in such a big hurry to get to nowhere in hopes of bedazzling the elite with an array of educational accomplishments. Barf. Let's get real. We all pass gas the same way. It's not pretty no matter how much money you have. I have seen all the butts I care to see, and nothing impresses me. Nothing. Barf.
     I feel sorry for those who don't know who they are, and attempt to live their lives through convenience rather than sincerity.  It's foolish to pretend to be nice. Why not just be mean and hateful and get it over with?  Then you can erase names from your "tentative I will pencil you in if I get out of that meeting in time" dinner date list.
     I understand busy. I have been to busy.  I used to own a house in busy. Who cares if you are busy? Mice are busy.  Tic tac toe is busy.  Who cares? If you want friends you have to be real.  Get a life. Get real. Get a pen!

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