While I woke up a good two hours earlier than I wanted, I used the time I was up to knock out my for-hire copy writing goal early today, plus have myself a little ahead for tomorrow. My payment for the last 14 days came in and despite losing one day to a horrible migraine and another to painful stomach problems, made enough to give a sizable portion to Reg and Laura to get caught up for May and go grocery shopping.
I showered, shaved, walked through the park. I went grocery shopping, where I was able to get almost 60 bucks' worth of groceries for 38 (through judicious use of the store card and coupons). I sent in a pitch to an online outlet for an article. I set a date (Wednesday) to meet with Dad for some coffee and catch up. I have enough mental energy stored that I think I will even be up to engaging with Mom tomorrow.
I have started updating my
gaming/nerd culture blog again. I updated the front page of
my personal site to reflect some of the things I've done and published recently.
Although I lost the draft when I published this morning's post, I have an essay brewin' in the brainpan on why addressing abelism, marginaliziton and stigmatizing language is important to me as a writer. In half an hour I will get off my duff and straighten up my room-- I've been in a bit of a slump lately, and things really piled up. I'm contemplating celebrating tonight with a microbrew and some of thenewly-bought steak and the 3-hour edition of RAW tonight, as it's been ages since I've actually sat downand watched me some live pro wrestling.
It's been a good day, energy wise, for me so far.