I'm far more offended by the comments neo-Nazis are leaving on that Sci-Fi Wire blog post. Since when has "Aryan" been either a legitimate racial category or a reliable indicator of whiteness? (Actually, I can answer that one: 1943.)
They might as well have responded to Haghdoosti's Chinese geisha remark with, "Oh, what are they making such a fuss about. They're all Mongoloids, aren't they?"
Also, I think Haghdoosti has confused the Prince of Persia games of her youth with the Prince of Persia games this film was based on. The classic Prince of Persia looked a little like Disney's Aladdin and was a quaint, charming swashbuckler when he wasn't dying gruesomely. This Prince of Persia is a watered-down, family-friendlier incarnation of a brooding time-travelling douchebag. (Not that the games weren't good, but, well. Wrong remake to make a film out of.)
Personally, I think there are situations in which casting white actors in minority roles is justified. Considering they got Jake Gyllenhaal for this one--who likely wouldn't have been any easier to get, or made the film any better, than a promising no-name Iranian actor--this isn't one of them.
They might as well have responded to Haghdoosti's Chinese geisha remark with, "Oh, what are they making such a fuss about. They're all Mongoloids, aren't they?"
They might as well have responded to Haghdoosti's Chinese geisha remark with, "Oh, what are they making such a fuss about. They're all Mongoloids, aren't they?"
Also, I think Haghdoosti has confused the Prince of Persia games of her youth with the Prince of Persia games this film was based on. The classic Prince of Persia looked a little like Disney's Aladdin and was a quaint, charming swashbuckler when he wasn't dying gruesomely. This Prince of Persia is a watered-down, family-friendlier incarnation of a brooding time-travelling douchebag. (Not that the games weren't good, but, well. Wrong remake to make a film out of.)
Personally, I think there are situations in which casting white actors in minority roles is justified. Considering they got Jake Gyllenhaal for this one--who likely wouldn't have been any easier to get, or made the film any better, than a promising no-name Iranian actor--this isn't one of them.
They might as well have responded to Haghdoosti's Chinese geisha remark with, "Oh, what are they making such a fuss about. They're all Mongoloids, aren't they?"
Thank you, I was thinking just the same thing.
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