I am such a dork.
I spent three hours this afternoon watching curling and studying for my sociology midterm tomorrow. Which is to say that I spent three hours watching curling.
Coming up on my list of things people should know about: International Women's Day! Which is officially tomorrow, Tuesday 8 March. This Friday, 11 March, the U of O Women's Resource will be holding an information fair in the Terminus (UCU second floor, beside Tim Hortons) from 11-3 with food, cultural garb, and, of course, information. Later on that evening will be Capital Slam, International Women's Day style. Tickets will be $7 at the door, doors @ 8/show @ 8.30, and there will be a showcase of local poets including
succulentpoet and
bixkitty, as well as a featured performer, an open mike, and the slam competition. Should you require/desire more information on either of these events, you can obtain it at
http://uottawawrc.tripod.com/ or by leaving me a note.
Other things...hmmm...the SFUO volunteer gala is the nineteenth, and I am going, even though Lisa stood me up two weeks in advance *overly dramatic sobbing* *starts singing off-key* "why do you build me up, buttercup baby, just to let me down, and mess me around?" I'm going with Pride, but looking forward to seeing all the crazy Foot Patrollers in all their formal wear, too...especially Eric *giggles* there's something about a man in a suit...
I am currently working on reorganizing my music collection, some two thousand files. Why? Because I'm an obsessive-compulsive neat freak, and I'm bored with sociology.
It's stopped snowing. Which is good. Not that I don't like snow, but my winter jacket has been in the WRC since the Monologues, and I don't fancy venturing out without it in heavy snow. And let's be honest - this was nice in December, but I'm starting to reeeeally look forward to dry sidewalks.
Having reached the point where I am trying to write about nothing, I shall now go and attempt to find something I want to eat for dinner.