Apr 23, 2006 14:09
I thought college was different!!!!! Am I perpetually doomed to be surrounded with COMPLETE STUPIDITY?!?!?! This does not make me feel good about the world.
A sampling of my group essay on Why Global Warming is NOT the fault of humans! (presented to us as a "challenge" by our professor):
Recent evidence not only takes away much human responsibility in the recent increase in global temperatures, but new findings and theories are helping to change the worldwide view of warming consequences, revealing a not-so tragic future for Planet Earth after all. <----I wrote this but I don't believe any of this crap...we're off to a great start already!
Here's where they test my sanity
Quotes from the assholes/idiots in my group:
"Besides the U.S., other countries are affected by global warming (which happens to be inescapable in the planetary sense)" <---wow...really? global warming is *gasp* GLOBAL??
"Hey Steph, I forgot to turn in my essay with the first draft! Ooops! Just add it at the end before the conclusion :)" <---thanks!! i didn't even know this girl was in our group until this email...
"It's Greek Easter so I can't email you my essay today" <---well you were supposed to email me your essay on Friday, jerk.
"Here's the site to my article. You should be able to write my work cited with that info" <---hey NO! do your OWN work retard.
This is me being bitter.