Jul 10, 2010 10:00
- 12:00 Well, it's nice to know my obsessions are on-trend. Via Apartment Therapy: The IT Plant bit.ly/dySZyT #
- 12:22 @ thisgamermom Exactly. I intend to propose one myself, though obvy my interest is less industry-focused and more culture-critical. #
- 13:01 This should occupy you for the rest of the afternoon. Pulsate: bit.ly/auGQlf #
- 13:45 @ Hindividual AAAA CURSE YOU. I will never get anything done now! #
- 17:25 One beach-swim later, it's like this whole week never even happened. #
- 17:27 @ thisgamermom Indeed, that's a great point. I expect most folks are uninterested in my deep cultural analyses, and I shouldn't assume so. #
- 17:28 @ ithinkUshould Thanks so much! I'm glad you dug it. #
- 19:53 Query: are stemless wine glasses totally gauche? I am terrible at these things. #
- 19:57 @ LucindaLunacy Excellent point, thank you. #
- 20:58 @ jasievangesen Ha, that was precisely why I was attracted to them: "Hey, I can drink non-wine stuff from these too!" #
- 21:03 @ stitchtowhere See, I like giant wine glasses in general for this very reason. #
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