From Twitter

Jun 30, 2010 10:00

  • 12:08 @ amgwn Tomorrow! I hope! #
  • 16:31 Blogged: Remember that show I explicitly decided against recapping? Resistance is futile. I'm recapping #Huge. #
  • 19:39 @ aki_hearts_cake I JUST SAW IT TWENTY SECONDS AGO OMFG I NEED TO THINK. #
  • 19:41 @ aki_hearts_cake Are we definitively certain it's her. I mean, even if it's not I can still write about people thinking it is. #
  • 09:39 Possibly this is why the MIT Museum is closing at noon today? So very rad: Lady Gaga visiting MIT #
  • 09:41 Marianne/@therotund and I recorded an Emergency Fatcast last night, & I have the sleep deprivation to prove it. HUGE: #
  • 09:45 @ sparkymonster This is as flail-worthy as any news can ever be, it's true. #
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