
Mar 24, 2010 10:01

1. I spent last weekend in north Jersey reunion-ing with two of my very best friends from high school, whom I have not seen at the same time since at least 1998. I was telling etana about this and she immediately said, "So was it awkward?" and it totally wasn't. It was very relaxed and normal, as though no time had passed at all. One of these friends I see once a year at least, and the other, my best girlfriend at the time whom I haven't seen in a decade, hasn't changed AT ALL. It was hilarious how all her little idiosyncrasies and mannerisms brought me right back. We drank an obscene amount of wine, as M and his husband B, who hosted the weekend, are Wine People. We also ate amazing food and sat around in the unseasonably warm and sunny weather talking for hours and hours. M and B are basically my favorite hosts of all time.

I spoke to my dad after I got home and said, "Is it normal that none of us seem to have aged at all?" and he said yes, in your thirties it's like that, and that it was only at his last HS reunion (he graduated in 1968) that it seemed to him like everyone had aged dramatically.

And as none of us have any children, I swear to god we spent half the weekend talking about our cats.

2. I had an utterly unwelcome (and stomach-turningly graphic) sex dream about Penn Jilette last night. SHUDDER. I could not get the shower hot enough to burn away the memory.

3. This is particular to my NYC-dwelling friends: on May 20 I will be in town to speak at a panel on fat stuff at this bookstore. The organizers can find me crash space, but I'd prefer to stay with someone I know if any of y'all are going to be around. So -- anyone want to put me up for a night or two?


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