Let me hear you say STEAM!

Sep 25, 2003 23:04

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment11.83%
You have one or two loyal pals on LJ... But you probably have better things to do with your time.26.19% MemeSheepage42.11%
An expert on multiple-choice questions, an whiz at the cut-and-paste31.22% Original Content32.26%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them41.26% Psychodrama Quotient4.82%
Warning: Can Flame When Necessary16.77% Attention Whoring18.18%
Slothfully Seeking Susan22.43%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up!

Lang: *rummages on bookshelf*
Me: What are you doing?
Lang: Huh?
Me: Anything interesting?
Lang: No...
Me: Okay.
*a beat, then we both burst out laughing*

Strange occurance: Lang's chair on top of the phone cord prevented it from working. Odd.

So, today I went to see the Starlight Express. Now, I've been a fan of this show since I was 12. I own the Broadway, London, and Germany cast albums. But I've never seen it live (or even video footage, for that matter). Until today.
So yeah. Did it surprise me? Well, yes and no. It was slightly different from both the Broadway and London versions, and a little of a mix of both. The story, in brief, tells of a night at the site of trainyard populated by anthromorphic trains, protrayed by folks on rollerskates and ridiculous amounts of costuming. And there this performance did not disappoint ^_^ Detailed as the costumes were, the little things made it for me, like Rusty's flickering boiler on his chest (I could have done without Electra's mohawk, though). The biggest surprise comes in how they presented the races. In previous productions, the entire theater was altered with ramps and other things so that the characters actually raced. But this is a national tour, so that's not exactly feasible. However, the solution was actually pretty creative: at the start of each race, a screen was lowered down and a 3-D movie (complete with 3-D glasses) showed the race in detail. And of course there was the requisite "things break and look like they're going to hit the audience" scenes. It sounds cheesy, but it was actually pretty cool.
Good stuff: lots of intense rollerskating (naturally), a glow-in-the-dark stage ^_^ It was more singing than I thought (only a few speaking lines, like Papa's "Oil is from the Diesel himself!") but with Lloyd Webber, that's for the best, I guess. And "One Rock and Roll Too Many" is much funnier when it's actually seen.
Bad stuff: the Rockies have been renamed "Hip Hoppers" >_< The new song for the coaches ("A Whole Lotta Locomotion) sounds like a riff on "Get the Party Started," and out of place with the rest of the score. Also, the girls have a tendency to strike the "I'm a Little Teapot" pose when they sing, for no discernable reason. And "Crazy" had the crappiest song cue I've ever seen.
The theater was incredibly cold, but that really doesn't affect the show.
But all in all, I'm glad I got to see it. But it begs the question, how come no one's made an AMV of the title song to Galaxy Express 999?
Maybe I should have gotten the coffee mug instead of the keychain....

meme, random, musicals, media thoughts, anime

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