Elation, in a spoiler kind of way

Apr 03, 2003 00:45

I was bummed before because I accidently read a spoiler bit about Digimon Frontier a bit ago. But now I'm happy because I found pics that negate the spoiler ^_^
The spoiler was that Kouichi was dead and it was just his spirit in the Digiworld. But today I found someone's directory with random Frontier pics, and found three that gave me hope:

Kouji sees Kouichi in the hospital

See, he's just in a coma

Wait, are his eyes open?

Yes, he's alive!
*sings* Kouichi's not dead! I'm so glad Kouichi's not dead! Kouichi's not dead! I'm so glad Kouichi's not dead.... (etc.)
In case you're wonder, that's a riff off the latest Strongbad e-mail: http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail68.html

. Now if UPN would just show new eps again....


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