Indestructible bug

Apr 03, 2008 00:42

Yesterday evening it was nice, so Dad opened the slider and let some cool air in. But he also let in some kind of weird bug, although I didn't realize this until everyone else went to bed and it decided to harass me. I sprayed it with Windex to make it stop moving, and while that did keep it from flying, it was still crawling around when I found it on the floor. So I got a napkin and squished it, and then decided to check it out, in case it was something interesting. But it was still alive! So I put the napkin on the ground and stepped on it, but the bug was still moving. So I took it to the bathroom and set out to flush it down the toilet. But because I have a perverse fascination with this kind of stuff, I gave it a moment, and sure enough, it floated out of the napkin and started swimming toward the edge of the bowl. After that I just flushed the thing, and as far as I know, it didn't come back from that.

Yeah, bed time.


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