Take the Dessert Quiz
Take the Anime Sountrack Quiz ![](http://www.hinamegami.com/interact/quiz/makeup/cover.gif)
It's days like this that I really wish I had my car. In order to get the movie theater, I had to take the bus, which was OK, but took me most of a night to figure out exactly how to get there. My suitemate Alison came with me, and we left a little early. We rode Route 6 North to the Transit Station, and then quickly hopped on Route 9 North to get to 3000 Alpine St. I had a general idea of where we would get off, but wasn't totally sure. Stop D, at the Green Ridge Shopping Center seemed the best bet, and it turned out to be exactly where we wanted to be. We were an hour early, though.
The movie theater was really nice, and pretty big. At least 20 screens. We saw Jonah on screen 17, with stadium seats that reclined ^_^
I'm not going to spoil anyone, but I will say that the movie was very very good, and that you should all go see it when it come out on October 4th.
After the movie, we had to figure out how to get back, since there weren't any southbound bus stops nearby. What we ended up doing was just riding the north bus until it became the south bus, and doing the opposite of what we did this morning. We got back just in time for me to go to work, but it turns out that the shift I had signed up for didn't really exist. I had a shift later on, so I just went back to the dorm.
As for the later shift, it was Salad Bar Duty, which was not good at all. It was the first time I'd done it, so everyone kept doing things for me, making me look lazy. And the clean-up was horrible. All the salad items are in ice, but the drains under the ice somehow got clogged up, making it next to impossible to dry. I was totally drained by the time I was done.