Ladybugs and other bugs

Oct 07, 2006 11:55

I went to Target and the mall today in search of a shirt to use in a bee costume. I saw plenty of striped shirts, but I didn't see any yellow-and-black shirts anywhere. The closest I came was a black-and-gold tank (which was pretty cool in and of itself, but I didn't get it). But then, passing by Claire's, I saw a ladybug costume set and decided to buy it ^_^

So I got to dress up for work tonight. It was a lot busier than the past few nights. We even went into two-train mode on Boulder, and it was crazy while I was there, plus people kept losing their cellphones (leave them with a non-riding friend, please! We don't have time to search each train every time...). But even at the Ferris Wheel (where I opened and closed) we had a huge line. Right up until 10, then things slowed down seriously (as in, no guests at all), which made Nadine (my attendent) happy.
That's when Colin showed up. He'd been in the actual Haunted Graveyard, so he was covered in costume blood (and was actually looking for wet tasks to clean it off). For whatever reason, we tried to figure out what his character's story was.
Me: He got slashed by the chainsaw guy (one of the characters walking around the actual park)!
Nadine: *I don't remember what she said...*
Colin: It was the darn squirrels! They tried to eat my nuts! *a beat* That didn't come out right...

Also, on my way back to the Ferris Wheel from Boulder, I passed a group of kids sitting on the benches, and they were all like, "Bye, Miss Bumblebee!" So I pointed out that I was actually a ladybug (hey, it was dark out, I can understand some confusion), and they replied, "Oh, you're a ladybug now?" @_@

I hate those tiny bugs that seem to be everywhere, and there were a ton of them in the breakroom tonight. Seriously, I've never seen so many in there before! Bleh, nearly put me off my dinner.
I need to go to bed, but I'm really not that tired...

creepy, random, work, the lake, kids, shopping

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