Hey people,
Here be a plug for a workshop at Melbourne Uni this Friday and Saturday called "(Un)Making Queer Worlds: Transforming Queer Cultures in the Asia Pacific." It's a two day 'round table' workshop for postgrads and non-established people in the academy, meaning that people present work they've already written, with an emphasis on intensive discussion of politics (we hope).
Rego is free, you can come to whatever bits you happen to be interested in, and the whole conference program is
here. The venue is the Gryphon Gallery, in the Gradute Centre, Melbourne University (on Grattan St) and things kick off at 10am Friday.
You might also like to check out the keynote address on Friday night by Peter A. Jackson, a pretty interesting scholar of Thai sexualities/genders. He's talking on "Capitalism, Queer Autonomy, and the Historical Production of Sex Cultural Difference". It will be a great talk. That's at 5.30pm Friday 23 June, Gryphon Gallery, Graduate Centre, University of Melbourne.
If you're extra keen you can catch me presenting some work on gender reassignment clinics in Thailand at 2.15pm on Saturday.