Bell Canada Sucks, Sucks Some More and Then Finds New Levels of Suckage

Oct 21, 2008 21:17

So, today my birthday present was to arrive.  I was supposed to arrive home from school to a new improved HDTV experience.

What I got instead is three hours on the phone trying to find out WTF is going on.

First of all, the guy was supposed to be here between 1-5.  At 4:30, we got suspicious and called Bell.  According to their records, they guy showed up at 4:17 (after calling first) found no one home and left.

Bullshit.  I was here, with my Dad and both of his bark-if-anything-is-louder-than-an-ant dogs.  If anyone had pulled into my driveway, let alone walked on my front porch, the dogs would've gone berserk.  Plus, no one called.  So, instead of calling the technician and telling him to get his lazy-ass back here, a Bell Canada employee tells me I must be lying.

*Cue Spy hitting the roof.*

This is not the first time Bell Canada has tried this crap with me.  When I first moved in, they screwed up all my services -- including my cell which didn't change other than the billing address.  They tried installing two lines when I only ordered one.  Spent 3 weeks trying to figure out where I lived because they couldn't locate my address for the satellite (this was after finally getting a phone) and finally, installed my internet on the other, fictional phone line I never ordered, leaving me off line for three weeks.  During one of those many visits (see visit two to check on why I didn't have the internet) the technician claimed to have shown up at my house only to report I wasn't home when no one, in fact, showed up.

Since I know most of their tactics by now (technician claiming no one was home, CSR claiming there's nothing they can do, etc.) I told the person on the phone to put me through to the manager, who was a woman who should never, ever, deal with people.  She has the social skills of a rabid pit bull.  She was also the one who accused me of lying.  The only useful thing she did was give me the address and company name of the subcontractor who does the installations.  Does anyone find it ironic that Bell Canada cannot find the phone number of the people who do their work for them?  Smell a little suspicious.

While on one of my many times on hold, within three minutes on the internet, I had the company phone number and offered it to the the woman.  She declined.

I did call the technician something I don't wish to repeat.  The woman turns around and says I can't swear at her.  Umm, lady, you weren't listening, since I was refering to the lazy-ass technician.  Of course, not listening was this woman's trademark as I said no one was available to sit and wait for the Snufalupagus of a technician for the rest of the week and she insisted that my next date must be on Friday.

Finally I get on the phone with some guy named Steve who promises me the sub-contractor's sub-contractor.  At 6:01 pm, Steve "accidentally" hangs up on my instead of putting me on hold.

I call back, the proper way, give my name, number, and address only to be told at 6:05pm that Bell TV was closed.

At the same time, I call back on my cell, give my cell number (and refuse to give my name) and asked to be transferred over to BellTV and low and behold, get a person!  They aren't closed after all!  Could it be that Bell was lying about the times clearly listed on their website?  No!  Not Bell, the bastion of bad customer service.

Guy on phone manages to get someone to agree to come out tomorrow night to install the HDTV.  I'm getting the premium home visit for nothing as an apology.  I told the guy I'm counting down the days until I'm out of this contract.  3 1/2 months, people!

Once I'm off the phone with the only useful CSR in all of Bell, I have two messages from Steve.  He doesn't understand what happened *bullshit* and couldn't find the number of the sub-contractor's sub-contractor *bullshit.*

So, if anyone knows the names of the correct people to contact about being 1) hung up upon 2) called a liar and 3) told my father probably didn't hear the tech because he's old (oh yes, another thing I got told by Bell), let me know.  They've now managed to screw up absolutely everything I've asked of them for 1.9 years.  That's one screw up every 3.5 months!

*Sharpens claws.*

*Warms up keyboard, ready to send snarky letters to anyone and everyone.*

ETA:  The missing Bell Person apparently left not one but two messages at, wait for it, my parents' house, because they were the ones that ordered the HDTV for my address.  So even though the work order is ordered for my house, they call my parents instead.  That's like calling the payphone from where you called Bell to tell them there's a problem with your line.  None of that explains how the guy was supposedly on my doorstep at 4:17pm and yet made no visible image, nor made any sound.

grr! arg!

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