Apr 26, 2011 18:18
This past gorgeous Saturday, I used up a quart of leftover white paint to cover the wood paneling in the Tudor Trailer, and the little bit of blue showing around the reflectors on the back. This brightened up the place considerably and helped with the illusion. However, I didn't tackle the blue cabinets, except for one small blue drawer. Two coats didn't do it. The remaining blue will be sanded first and probably painted brown after St. Pyr's.
Sunday, I gathered up the things I want in that trailer for St. Pyr's, and printed waivers and minor waivers. I looked at Society Law, the Atlantian Great Book of Law, handbooks, and guidance documents. Unfortunately, nothing clearly stated what I'm required to have at an event.
Monday, I gathered up more items, created a spreadsheet for Troll, and sent emails to ask people specific event-related things. I also had a lengthy conversation with our Baron, who is awesome.
Today, I received responses. I plan to go to dance class tonight, where I will talk to our instructors about plans for dancing at the event. Afterward, I will respond to the responses.
Tomorrow, I will check with my boss to make sure I asked for Friday, or at least half of Friday off. It didn't show up on the work schedule, and I was not brave enough to ask today because the boss had received several pieces of bad news.
Thursday is my last day to receive a very important piece of information that will affect the running of the event in a way I'm not prepared to discuss yet. I also need to get everything in to my car or the Tudor Trailer.
Friday I pick up the site key and hope and pray that I have not forgotten anything.
And yet, I'm still having trouble convincing myself not to sew something new for the Feast of St. Pyr.