Apr 17, 2003 14:28
no, not a pissy mood. i was in michigan last night, sorry i missed your call. was there something else? i suppose i bitched a little yesterday morning. but that's between me and whoever i'm bitching to. i used to be able to do that with you. i really don't know if i can anymore....
one way or another i'm coming to conclusions about life
when it's over, it's over...cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
(that's for me, not you)
there are some people in your life who you think are your friends. it really hurts when you find out they aren't. but when you do, fuck it, don't worry about it. let them go their own way.
whether or not we're friends is an entirely different story. until it stops hurting, i expect time seeing you to be few and far between. after that...well i've got friends that i see like once a month. not to be rude or anything, but i was with you everyday because we were considering making a life together.
anyway, i'm going to quit ranting now....i gotta go to work. have a good one, tell ryan i said hi.