Apr 16, 2003 11:46
Subj: Just a Dreamer
Date: 4/16/03 8:42:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: FlameDancer0305@aol.com
To: Ehrnamaggedon
Just a Dreamer
By: Allura Crow
There's a little girl over there...sitting on the wall...starring off into the sky...listening to the crows call...she's much different now then she was before...everything about her has changed but her core...she was a dreamer with a proud demeanor...and she knew who she was inside...
She let them tell her she wasn't good enough...she told herself she had to be better...they said that she was thick...so she stopped eating to make her self slimmer...they told her, her clothes where pastel and childish...so she bought some darker and a bit more stylish...they told her, her face was plain...so she painted it with a black eye liner...now she looks in the mirror...and only recognizes the light that still shines inside her...
they told her she was old enough to date boys...they took away her dolls and her favorite toys...he picked her up at eight...she should have been excited about their first date...he was dashing and full of charm...with a quick wit and a strong arm...over time she grew fond of him...but told him she was still looking for something more...she learned to hate those arms, when they held her to the floor...now she looks in the mirror...and doesn't see a light still shine inside her....
They told her she was to sad...but no one ever asked her why...so she put on a mask and built a wall so she would have a place to hide...her mask made her happy and no one else knew...till one day they looked at her...and they finally knew fear too...she wasn't the girl they once knew...
She locked herself away...she didn't care to hear what they had to say...and somewhere behind her wall...an imaginary palace grew...she pretended she was a princess waiting for her prince to ride in on his white horse...she looked in the mirror and was filled with remorse...where was the girl she knew she was...she'd let her slip away and let someone else make her what she was...
then she finally started to cry...she lay on the floor and asked herself why...she rose up to the mirror and knew what she had to do...an old pastel dress...and away with the rest...no more black on her face...which had matured with natural grace...she let down her hair and ran down the stairs...passed the walls of her castle and the ugliness of her mask...longing only to play in the sun again at last...
There's a little girl over there...sitting on her wall she climbed...starring off into the sky...listening to the crows sing of this freedom of yours and mine...she's much different now then she was before...everything about her had changed but her core...she's still a dreamer with a proud demeanor...and she knows who she is inside...only now she knows...she's not something she has to hide...