
Apr 13, 2005 10:07

well being there is only 4 weeks left to the semester it is time to buckle down
*3 terms papers

Now with all this being said it is impossible to say where i would be if circumstances have not occured
For the first time i will say a number of regrets have presented themselves:

I wish Jaime never moved off campus
I wish that everyone befriended was still here
I wish practicum didn't take up every hour of free time

My mom told me when it all started that these were going to be times where i would cherrish friendships more then in high school. Now is that true i always ask myself?? There will never be another Brenna nor another Durst or Cody. Each had a value that i can see taking themselves in a bigger picture. As for my friends back home, i used to take advantage of the fact that they would still be there when i get back but that picture is changing as well. I was foolish when this began, still influenced by the course high school led me too. The image is broader now and i will fix my own mistakes weather it be by a string of words or looking down a barrel.

Every step could be your last so make every one count before your in the past.....
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