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Jan 23, 2011 18:48

Name: Misa
Age: 37
Contact info: misaditas@live.co.uk (email/IM)

Name: Baal
Age: --
Occupation: System Lord (retired)
Residence: would rather not disclose that information.

History: Where were they born? What was their childhood like? How did they come in contact with the main characters? How did the events of the series affect them, and what happened between the end of the series and the present? 2-3 paragraphs, please.
Baal is a Goa'uld whose origins are lost to time (and the fact he pretends to forget). It is believed he was a minor lord under Ra and gained a significant portion of Ra's armies after he was destroyed by O'Neill and Jackson. Baal's first contact with SG1 came when Jackson attended the Goa'uld Summit, but it was not until after O'Neill was host to a Tok'ra and attempted to secure the release of Baal's lo'tar that they really came onto his radar.

His relationship with SG1 is a complex one. He has been both enemy and sort-of ally. Between the collapse of the Goa'uld empire and the introduction of the Ori, Baal dropped any remaining pretense at Godhood and became focused on his own survival.

Occasionally this involved helping SG1, at others they were merely a hindrance. He created several clones of himself in order to track down the legendary Sangreal - one of the few weapons though capable of destroying not just the Ori but also the Ancients.

In Continuum the last clone had the Goa'uld extracted, while the original was supposedly killed by Colonel Mitchell. However, there is no true evidence to support this and it is likely that at least one version still survives.

Despite his claims to the contrary, Baal actually likes Earth. Aware that the SGC believes the last clone to have gone Extraction, he remains securely in control of a small business empire whilst living a rich (but very quiet) life on an island that might begin with H, enjoying the sun, surf and attractive blond females.

Personality: 2-3 paragraphs, please.
As much as living on Earth has mellowed him, Baal can still be arrogant, stubborn and downright condesending. He irritates easily, but rarely looses his temper completely. He can be petty and childish, especially when slighted, and tends to be a little sulky. However his bad moods don't last long and he can flick from one extreme to the other very quickly. This tends to make his staff edgy.

Under the prickly exterior, Baal is far more human than he tends to let on. He carries a lot of ghosts and tends not to make new associations because of that, but he is protective of those loyal to him, being a caring and generous employer.

Extensive knowledge of Ancient technology, intelligent, cunning and very good at planning.

Over-confidence, arrogance, impatience and level of smug.

Relationships: Friendships, romantic relationships, family. Who do they merely tolerate, who do they want to be friends with, who do they consider rivals and who do they openly dislike?
Baal merely tolerates just about eveyone, with the exception of Samantha Carter - the only person he believes is remotely close to him in terms of intelligence. Their relationship is complex, especially since she currently believes him to be dead...

Hobbies and Interests:
Keeping a low profile so he can continue to live on Earth, dabbling with various technologies and not blowing himself up, the pursuit of any passing cute blonde

Your goals for your character:
Not sure

Desired plotlines, if any:
I'm not really bothered, though I'm a Sam/Baal shipper... As long as he has something to do, I'll be happy. A busy Baal means less explosion *grins*
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