TM #372: Institutions

Feb 01, 2011 21:50

Written for theatrical_muse
Prompt: Talk about an institution you've been part of
178 words

Can one call the Empire of System Lords an institution? Perhaps, but one that was aged and dusty. They had little desire to break from dead traditions, and so are now dead, their empire passed into so much history.

It is history I have left behind, ever aware of the changeable nature of the galaxy. Species grow and mature, learn and develop. If one wishes to remain in control, then maturity and development of oneself is necessary.

I no longer claim to be a God, to try and command by fear and pain. Through study I have learnt that an iron hand only causes hatred and the desire for freedom. No, a velvet glove is needed to guide them, to cultivate loyalty instead of fear.

My empire is now built on one world, rather than a thousand. I rule by committee, gathering the power that comes from position and wealth. I trade in stocks, not slaves. Money instead of murder. I have broken every tradition that tied me, become something different.

Perhaps I have become my own institution.

comm: theatrical_muse

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