Jan 09, 2006 00:05
Hey gang, long time no see. I've decided to utilize my last night of freedom by staying up really late and watching my newly purchased Futurama and Arrested Development DVDs while eating comfort food in bed, even if it means I'll only be semi-conscious for my first class tomorrow. And so another semester of subway snoozing begins.
I. Don't. Want. To. Go.
That aside, Christmas was the best ever. For 12 blissful days, I was home again. As soon as the strange feeling of being a visitor in my own home passed, it was like I never left, and with the best thing from Toronto by my side, it couldn't have been better. All my relatives loved Felix, in spite of his attempts at breaking the ice by putting on a fake accent and wishing everyone a "Melly Chlistmas". We stayed up late, we went out drinking with my brother and his girlfriend, we watched the Game Show Network for hours at a time, we took long walks with my dogs, we ate gigantic meals then woke up in the morning and did it all over again; in short, it was the perfect vacation. Even the weather was kind, we had a whole week of unseasonal warmth. And now I want to go back.
It's been hard adjusting back here again. My so-called "home" feels so empty. It doesn't feel like home without my brother playing guitar in the basement, my mom running on the treadmill upstairs, my dad snoring on the couch with the Weather Channel on in the background, or the dogs trying to eat the mailman. Those things used to be annoyances, but now I miss living in a house that is actually alive. I have no one to talk to here; roommate number one may as well be a mute and roommate number 2 is just a general annoyance. I'm starting to realize how much I need people around me who care.
But anyway, hopefully I can go back in a few months when this school nonsense is done with. I'll most likely have to, what with my money supply slowly dwindling away. I blame Christmas. And Boxing Day sales. Sigh.
Well. Good night, world.