Oct 27, 2010 04:11
so i huing out with my friend, right.
i'm drinking.
wer're playing drinking games.
there's 2 girls, 3 guys.
i play the "cover man", so to speak
it's not intentional, but stil - i prefer this role even in complete swiirliness.
It's acktually a nice challenge, trying to type in the condition that I'm in.
the girl that refused to fuck the other guy i covered for is actually a smart woman. i started speaking with her and i like how she prioritizes.
now she likes sex, from what i remember from the tables
But still - she's an honorable friend til the end.
And after speaking with her, I was ashamed that I'd had as much as I had to drink
[i was the only one to drink straight]
still i kept my composure better than everyone else there.
kept conversation better than the dude that was upposed to get laid
nigga couldn't get shit
but i realized how smart this girl was
And, of course, felt embarraseed.
I'm typing this as I'm STIL in the height of my embarrassement.
But FUCK if thisain't the purest entry,
I don't know what is.
I want some carrots in ranch dressing
OR like...some
oooo, swirl.
i am trying to type while my upber body is physiclally
like.. ~i need to go to bed.
i seem more red now than I did when i started. shits' getting serious.
lseepy time!!!